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Search Results For "great"
Give yourself a Dating Detox
As Christmas arrives, for the 13 million single people in the UK, it can be a difficult time as it seems all the couples come out to play.
search on: Give-yourself-Dating-Detox
Leap year proposals
It is just a little over two months until the day on which it becomes women's turn to propose is upon us.
search on: Leap-year-proposals
Finding love is top New Year's resolution
As many people set about drafting their resolutions for the New Year there are some old favourites which seem to appear in everyone's list - do more exercise, find my perfect job, take up a new h...
search on: Finding-love-top-New-Year-resolution
Spending your most intimate moments together
Many couples can't get enough of each other. They can't bear to spend any time apart.
search on: Spending-intimate-moments-together
Americans getting no love
A huge 20 million marriages in the US are sexless, according to the results of a new survey.
search on: Americans-getting-love
National Kissing Statistics
Only five per cent of over 45s manage more than 30 kisses a week
search on: National-Kissing-Statistics
Gareth Gates getting hitched
Pop Idol star Gareth Gates is to wed his long-time girlfriend.
search on: Gareth-Gates-getting-hitched
Be romantic for charity
The British Heart Foundation (BHF) is offering a chance to be romantic, while raising money for charity.
search on: Be-romantic-charity
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