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Brits 'would think twice' about getting amorous on
As two Britons face trial in Dubai for getting amorous on a beach, new research reveals that many couples are guilty of the same practice.
search on: Brits-'would-think-twice'-about-getting-amorous
Wedding singer finds love
A singer who has helped to entertain hundreds of couples on their wedding day has found a true love of her own.
search on: Wedding-singer-finds-love
Higher-pitched voices during fertile periods make
Men are more attracted to women during their most fertile periods when they speak in a higher pitch, according to a new study.
search on: Higher-pitched-voices-during-fertile-periods-make-
Older brothers affect chances of parenthood
Having an older brother can cut the chances of you having children, according to new scientific research.
search on: Older-brothers-affect-chances-parenthood
Singletons embarrassed to go on holiday
One in ten singles do not go on holiday because they are embarrassed about not having an other half.
search on: Singletons-embarrassed-holiday
Tom Cruise knew Katie was the one after first date
It's not often that declarations of love at first sight turn out to be founded in true feelings, but it seems that for one celebrity couple that really is what happened.
search on: Tom-Cruise-knew-Katie-was-one-first-date
Christina Aguilera so happy with her hubby
Top US singer Christina Aguilera is one of the most attractive women in the world, and could arguably have any man she wanted.
search on: Christina-Aguilera-happy-hubby
Jessica Biel says relationship is 'one sparkly pre
It seems that some stars are determined to keep their love lives under wraps and that is definitely the case for actress Jessica Biel and her boyfriend Justin Timberlake.
search on: Jessica-Biel-says-relationship-one-sparkly-pre
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