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Search Results For "Met"
Kate Hudson wants Owen Wilson back?
Kate Hudson is on a mission to win back Owen Wilson, according to reports.
search on: Kate-Hudson-Owen-Wilson-back?
Nadine hot for Hollywood Hartnett?
Could there be a more beautiful couple? Girls Aloud beauty Nadine Coyle is rumoured to be dating Hollywood hunk Josh Hartnett.
search on: Nadine-hot-Hollywood-Hartnett?
Text and romance
Texting has become one of the most popular methods of flirting and research by shows how texts are affecting our love lives and our pockets.
search on: Text-romance
Relationship maintenance for men
Relationships change over time and whether yours is going well right now, or entering a rocky patch, there are things you can do to help it continue and get stronger.
search on: Relationship-maintenance-men
Friends with benefits - not so straightforward
Many people have got into a casual relationship with a friend, which offers the no-strings-attached physical aspects of a relationship without the commitment and emotional vulnerability of a real relationship.
search on: Friends-benefits---straightforward
Teachers wed with school's support
A school was recently the scene of romance, as two teachers tied the knot.
search on: Teachers-wed-with-school-support
200 metre wedding dress
A loved-up man in China commissioned a wedding dress which is 200 metres long for his fiance.
search on: 200-metre-wedding-dress
Breaking out of relationship ruts
Relationships can fall into a rut. Deciding how to deal with a problem and add a fresh spark into your romance can be helped by identifying what type of rut you are in and acting accordingly.
search on: Breaking-out-relationship-ruts
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