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Search Results For "Mini"
Woody weds
It seems it is never too late for some couples to commit to each other as it has been confirmed that Kingpin actor Woody Harrelson has finally married his long term partner after 20 years together.
search on: Woody-weds
Singletons seek out exes at Xmas, research reveals
Christmas should be a time of celebration and reminiscing as people return to their family homes and remember past occasions and, according to new research, this means revisiting past relationships as...
search on: Singletons-seek-exes-Xmas--research-reveals
Divorced men keener to re-marry than divorced women
A new survey reveals that men are much more likely to get over a stressful and complicated break-up than women.
search on: Divorced-men-keener-re-marry-divorced-women
Dating Safety: telling your friends?
We've written our own guide to dating safety but we've noticed that a few sites and "experts" on the web such as (name of person + website address of this article) talk how you should "Give your best ...
search on: Dating-Safety:-telling-friends?-
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