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Search Results For "actress"
Jessica Biel says relationship is 'one sparkly pre
It seems that some stars are determined to keep their love lives under wraps and that is definitely the case for actress Jessica Biel and her boyfriend Justin Timberlake.
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Eva Longoria's love woes
Eva Longoria certainly will be a desperate housewife if rumours circulating about her husband Tony Parker's sex ban are to be believed.
search on: Eva-Longorias-love-woes
Does this TV star have a way with the ladies?
The numerous surveys that have taken place over the years about what women find attractive in a man always seem to indicate that the key thing is a good sense of humour.
search on: Does-this-TV-star-have-a-way-with-
Long-term couples can still experience first flush
Contrary to previous views that love and sexual desire reach their peak at the beginning of a relationship, recent research has revealed that some couples will still be as passionate after 20 years to...
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Actress plays matchmaker for her mother
Hilary Duff has been playing matchmaker for her mother who is recently single, according to Female First, which has quoted the National Enquirer as the source of this latest Hollywood dating news.
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Goldie Hawn's daughter 'loves boys'
Kate Hudson has admitted that her mother, actress Goldie Hawn, was a bit concerned about her daughter's pre-occupation with the opposite sex, which started at a fairly young age.
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Friends star 'so in love' with husband
Courtney Cox Arquette has spoken about her love for her younger husband David Arquette and how he isn’t concerned about her ageing.
search on: Friends-star-o-love'-with-husband
Connery's successful silent marriage
It seems that ex-Bond star and Academy award-winning actor Sean Connery
search on: Connery-successful-silent-marriage
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