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Search Results For "back"
Couple tie knot for third time lucky
A couple have got married for the third time in 35 years.
search on: Couple-tie-knot-third-time-lucky
British women making the effort
Women check their reflection every 30 minutes, a new survey has revealed.
search on: British-women-making-effort
Brits making excuses not to date
More than five million Britons have not been on a date in the last six months, according to a new survey.
search on: Brits-making-excuses
Men get down on their Japan-knees for forgiveness
A group of men in Japan, recognising their wives and partners are reaching the ends of their tether have taken action to win them back.
search on: Men-get-down-their-Japan-knees-forgiveness
Kylie and Jason to reunite
The hottest couple of the 90s are getting back together to take a look at their history as a couple during their years on Neighbours.
search on: Kylie-Jason-reunite
What the psychologists don't understand
We think that relationship and dating experts have the ability to explain every human emotion and can give all couples a solution the issues they face.
search on: What-psychologists-don't-understand
Chanelle and Ziggy call it quits
Big Brother's most up-and-down couple (and that's saying something) have broken off their romance, just a month after becoming engaged.
search on: Chanelle-Ziggy-call-quits
Scots behaving badly
Scottish singles are the worst behaved dates in the UK, according to a new survey.
search on: Scots-behaving-badly
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