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Search Results For "care"
Londoners have no love for Valentine's Day
A new survey has revealed that most single Londoners would prefer a night with their mates to a romantic date on Valentine's Day.
search on: Londoners-have-love-Valentine-Day
Workplace romance?
One in five workers married someone they met and dated while at work, according to a survey by
search on: Workplace-romance?
Online dating popularity rises
An increasing number of Britons are turning to online dating in their quest to find love, according to a new survey.
search on: Online-dating-popularity-rises
UK a nation of worry warts
It's official. Britain is a nation of worriers, according to new research released this week.
search on: UK-a-nation-worry-warts
Jordan 'still fancies' hubby
She may be no stranger to plastic surgery, but Katie Price aka Jordan is not shallow.
search on: Jordan-till-fancies'-hubby
Men 'worse drivers'
Men and women have argued about their driving skills or lack of them for decades.
search on: Men-'worse-drivers'
Educated women 'more likely to tie the knot'
Women with university degrees are more likely to get married than those who are less educated, according to new research.
search on: Educated-women-more-likely-tie-knot
The rise of the 'freemales'
An increasing number of British women are taking control of their love lives and choosing when and with whom they want to have a relationship with, according to an article in the Observer.
search on: rise-freemales
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