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Search Results For "does"
Do you know the 5 keys to a lasting relationship?

Dating in London? Dating in this beautiful city of ours is hard. Yes there are lots of intelligent, attractive, available men and women out there, but how do yo

search on: Do-know-5-keys-a-lasting-relationship?
Men 'love strong, independent women'
Modern man loves a woman who can stand up to him and take control of the household finances, according to a poll.
search on: Men-love-strong--independent-women
Cherlize 'believes in love and lust'
Hollywood stunner Charlize Theron has revealed that when it comes to finding your perfect man, lust is just as important as love.
search on: Cherlize-'believes-love-lust'
Not my type
A dating expert has been exploring how our personality can shape our relationship.
search on: Not-type
Study challenges stereotype of insatiable male
A new book is challenging conventional wisdom by claiming there are times when a man does not want sex.
search on: Study-challenges-stereotype-insatiable-male
Make this one a happy Valentine's Day
Many singles view Valentine's Day with dread.
search on: Make-one-happy-Valentines-Day
Money doesn't buy love for Brits
About 2.2 million of Brits said they ended their last relationship because of money issues according to research by internet bank cahoot.
search on: Money-doesnt-buy-love-Brits
Grooms 'uncertain' about brides' past
Grooms in the UK are not entirely certain about the whole of their brides' past, according to a new survey.
search on: Grooms-'uncertain'-about-brides'-past
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