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Search Results For "feel"
Keeping it platonic
When men and women enter into friendships with people of the opposite sex, they are often looking for different things.
search on: Keeping-platonic
What the psychologists don't understand
We think that relationship and dating experts have the ability to explain every human emotion and can give all couples a solution the issues they face.
search on: What-psychologists-don't-understand
Scots behaving badly
Scottish singles are the worst behaved dates in the UK, according to a new survey.
search on: Scots-behaving-badly
Couple reunite after 41 years
A couple from Australia have married 41 years after they got a divorce.
search on: Couple-reunite-41-years
Making love last
All couples have difficult times and challenges to overcome, and some may not last the test of time. But relationship expert Dr Gail Saltz told Today some tips for holding a relationship together and ...
search on: Making-love-last
Give yourself a Dating Detox
As Christmas arrives, for the 13 million single people in the UK, it can be a difficult time as it seems all the couples come out to play.
search on: Give-yourself-Dating-Detox
Most head to bed on fifth date
Most women think it is the right time to end up in bed with a new partner on the fifth date, a new survey has revealed.
search on: Most-head-bed-fifth
Couples 'should equal out talk time'
Women should keep quiet if they want people to look favourably on their relationship, a new survey has suggested.
search on: Couples-hould-equal-out-talk-time'
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