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Search Results For "five"
Draper reveals secrets of healthy relationships
Derek Draper has revealed his wife - GMTV presenter Kate Garraway - gets irate when he inadvertently goes into 'therapist mode'.
search on: Draper-reveals-secrets-healthy-relationships
Men's dating pitfalls
A marriage counsellor has revealed the top five mistakes men unwittingly make in their relations with the fairer sex.
search on: Mens-dating-pitfalls
Men becoming 'more body conscious'
It's not just the girls that care about what they look like on the beach, but men are becoming increasingly beach-bod conscious, according to new research.
search on: Men-becoming-'more-body-conscious'
"Me-time" scarce among workaholic Brits
British modern life is getting so hectic and jam-packed that people find it extremely difficult to find love.
search on: "Me-time"-scarce-among-workaholic-Brits
Women 'obsessed with dieting'
British women are obsessed with how much they weigh, according to new research.
search on: Women-'obsessed-with-dieting'
UK workplaces 'full of romance'
Love is more rife in British workplaces than it is in many offices across Europe, according to a new survey.
search on: UK-workplaces-full-romance
British women 'love stubbly men'
British women prefer men with stubble because they are deemed to be more macho, according to a new survey.
search on: British-women-'love-stubbly-men'
The evolution of Valentine's Day
There's nothing like covering all bases.
search on: evolution-Valentines-Day
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