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Search Results For "increase"
Women shun credit crunch to go under the knife
The credit crunch has done little to stop a rapid increase in the number of people having cosmetic surgery to make themselves feel more attractive.
search on: Women-shun-credit-crunch-under-knife
Love is in the air this Christmas
The festive season seems to be bringing with it an air of love and romance if new research showing an increase in engagement rings is anything to go by.
search on: Love-air-Christmas
Male romance writer argues 'love is a universal em
People love reading about romance and relationships and the success of Mills and Boon is testament to that fact with a book sold every three seconds in the UK.
search on: Male-romance-writer-argues-love-universal-em
Internet dating 'accepted as best way of finding l
The number of people who take the plunge and join internet dating sites doubles in January and the popularity of such services will only increase this year.
search on: Internet-dating-accepted-way-finding-l
Scent of a Whopper
Finding love can be a daunting task but luckily those people at Burger King may have made it just that little bit easier with the launch of a barbeque-scented cologne.
search on: Scent-Whopper
Ireland's Mini Baby Boom
Ireland is experiencing a mini baby-boom since the economic collapse. The CSO has released data showing that there was more offspring born last year when compared with ten years ago. Interestingly, fo...
search on: Irelands-Mini-Baby-Boom
Four Costly Mistakes of Divorcing Women
Recent surveys of divorce lawyers have highlighted four new areas that can cost women when getting divorced:
search on: Four-Costly-Mistakes-Divorcing-Women
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