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Search Results For "mark"
Men 'more likely to be gold-diggers'
Men are far more likely to marry for money than women are, according to a new study.
search on: Men-'more-likely-be-gold-diggers'
Silver Surfers finding love online
You might think that online dating is a pastime of the young, hip and trendy, but new research reveals that an increasing number of pensioners are finding love on the internet.
search on: Silver-Surfers-finding-love-online
Women 'don't want male breadwinners'
The idea that the man should be the main "breadwinner" in a household is on the wane, according to a new poll which reveals that women are becoming increasingly self-sufficient.
search on: Women-dont-want-male-breadwinners
Loved-up couples seek adventure on holiday
Gone are the days when a honeymoon was all about romantic beach holidays, as British couples increasingly turn towards adventure after tying the knot.
search on: Loved-up-couples-seek-adventure-holiday
Couple wed atop Sydney Harbour Bridge
A daring couple have become the first to tie the knot at the top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
search on: Couple-wed-atop-Sydney-Harbour-Bridge
Credit crunch 'spurs on online dating'
The credit crunch has led to a surprising surge in the number of people dating online, according to an expert.
search on: Credit-crunch-purs-online-dating'
Sense of humour makes Brit men successful in the s
Women are drawn to British men because they can make them laugh, according to a new survey
search on: Sense-humour-makes-Brit-men-successful-s
Make-up for men
Britain could see a huge boost in the number of men wearing make-up as a leading retail begins to stock it's 'guy-liner' and 'manscara'.
search on: Make-up-men
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