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Search Results For "mind"
Romantic breaks help couples' love lives
A significant number of British couples are going on holiday to improve intimacy with each other, according to a new survey.
search on: Romantic-breaks-couples-love-lives
Men harnessing 'pulling power of puds'
The days of a man inviting you inside after a date for a 'coffee' are over, according to new research, which suggests that puddings are becoming the perfect way to woo women.
search on: Men-harnessing-'pulling-power-puds'
Wedding singer finds love
A singer who has helped to entertain hundreds of couples on their wedding day has found a true love of her own.
search on: Wedding-singer-finds-love
Flashy dancers 'most attractive' to women
Well you can tell by the way he works that floor if he's a woman's man, according to new research.
search on: Flashy-dancers-'most-attractive'-women
Mobile phone addiction on dates 'a turn off'
Mobile phones are beating men in the fight for a woman's attention on a date, according to a new study.
search on: Mobile-phone-addiction-dates-'a-turn-off'
Over-50s take to online dating and socialising
An increasing number of over-50s use the internet to help their love life, according to new research.
search on: Over-50s-take-online-dating-socialising
A nation of fragrance hoarders
As the credit crunch bites, millions of British men are using bottles of aftershave bought more than ten years ago to save themselves money, new research reveals.
search on: A-nation-fragrance-hoarders
Karl plays Cupid for Katy Perry


search on: Karl-plays-Cupid-Katy-Perry
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