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Search Results For "offer"
Amorous Brits head to Mexico
If you're still thinking of where to spend a romantic summer break, then look no further than Mexico, according to a travel expert.
search on: Amorous-Brits-head-Mexico
Trendy ties fashion 'must-haves' for men
Gone are the days when wearing a tie was just a mandatory accessory for the workplace, funerals and weddings.
search on: Trendy-ties-fashion-must-haves-men
Paris offers tips to couples hoping to keep love '
The secret of staying in love is to act like a kid, celebrity heiress Paris Hilton has claimed.
search on: Paris-offers-tips-couples-hoping-love-'
Future Britons will unearth snapshot of Noughties
A time capsule will be buried in the UK in November to show future Britons how society in the 'Noughties' felt about love and relationships.
search on: Future-Britons-will-unearth-snapshot-Noughties-
Singletons embarrassed to go on holiday
One in ten singles do not go on holiday because they are embarrassed about not having an other half.
search on: Singletons-embarrassed-holiday
Jude Law and Sadie Frost getting back together?
Brit actor Jude Law has sparked rumours that he has rekindled his relationship with ex-wife Sadie Frost after the pair were spotted looking for property together.
search on: Jude-Law-Sadie-Frost-getting-back-together?
Internet dating 'accepted as best way of finding l
The number of people who take the plunge and join internet dating sites doubles in January and the popularity of such services will only increase this year.
search on: Internet-dating-accepted-way-finding-l
Ever wondered why your guy walked out on you?
New Australian website - offers help to people distressed and unhappy in love.
search on: Ever-wondered-why-guy-walked-out-you?
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