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Search Results For "partner"
Text and romance
Texting has become one of the most popular methods of flirting and research by shows how texts are affecting our love lives and our pockets.
search on: Text-romance
Married couples missing out on passion
The romantic and sex lives of couples are said to dwindle as soon as they settle down into marriage.
search on: Married-couples-missing-out-passion
Relationship maintenance for men
Relationships change over time and whether yours is going well right now, or entering a rocky patch, there are things you can do to help it continue and get stronger.
search on: Relationship-maintenance-men
Scots in the sack
One of the biggest surveys in Scotland has revealed secrets from under the duvet in the country famed for kilts and cold weather.
search on: Scots-sack
Rules are there to be broken
To make a relationship work, there are some rules that couples should follow, whether its hiding your feelings to prevent an argument, playing it cool or doing everything you can to please your partner.
search on: Rules-there-broken
Online dating a hit with Muslims
Online dating is taking off among British Asians as a way to meet like-minded people without many of the pressures associated with face-to-face dating.
search on: Online-dating-hit-Muslims
Mobiles killing the romance
Our obsession with technology is compromising our relationships, a new survey has revealed.
search on: Mobiles-killing-romance
Vorderman back with ex
Carol Vorderman is back with her ex-partner Des Kelly after ten months apart during which they decided they could not live without each other.
search on: Vorderman-back-with-ex
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