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Search Results For "rising"
Love is in the air this Christmas
The festive season seems to be bringing with it an air of love and romance if new research showing an increase in engagement rings is anything to go by.
search on: Love-air-Christmas
Keira Knightley's luvvie pad
Keira Knightley is moving into an East End love pad, which according to the Daily Mirror, she bought back in the spring with her actor boyfriend Rupert Friend.
search on: Keira-Knightleys-luvvie-pad
London love lives revealed
As the economic downturn deepens it seem that people are looking for cheap ways to get their thrills and sex is definitely back on the menu.
search on: London-love-lives
Does this TV star have a way with the ladies?
The numerous surveys that have taken place over the years about what women find attractive in a man always seem to indicate that the key thing is a good sense of humour.
search on: Does-this-TV-star-have-a-way-with-
Seal makes Heidi feel 'sexy'
It seems that one supermodel is more than happy with her love life and is keen to tell everyone just how sexy her husband makes her feel.
search on: Seal-makes-Heidi-feel-exy'
Celibacy vows not effective, new research reveals
It seems that taking a vow of celibacy just doesn't work if an American study of almost 1,000 teenagers is anything to go by.
search on: Celibacy-vows-effective--new-research-reveals
Tom Cruise has 'very lovely' married life
Tom Cruise has described married life as "very lovely" and has paid tribute to his wife, Katie Holmes.
search on: Tom-Cruise-has-'very-lovely'-married-life
British and Irish couples are least romantic about Valentines Day
Irish couples spend just £134 and UK couples only £145 compared with the Spanish figure of £218
search on: British-Irish-couples-are-least-romantic-about-Valentines-
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