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Search Results For "success"
Footballer 'falls for Lily Allen's curves'
A premiership footballer has revealed he would love to date Lily Allen because he wants a fuller figured woman, according to media reports.
search on: Footballer-falls-Lily-Allens-curves
Couple find love in a lift
In proof that you can find love anywhere, a couple who met in a lift in Cardiff are now planning their wedding.
search on: Couple-find-love-a-lift
Sienna discovers 'the joy of text'
British actress Sienna Miller is so loved-up that she is finding it hard being away from her boyfriend Rhys Ifans.
search on: Sienna-discovers-'the-joy-text'
Names 'important' in online dating
New research reveals that men and women looking for love on the internet are more likely to find a potential partner by using an appealing alias.
search on: Names-'important'-online-dating
Couples join forces in the workplace
An increasing number of British couples are also forming business partnerships, according to a new study.
search on: Couples-join-forces-workplace
Angelina 'never wanted to fall for Brad'
We all know the dangers of an office romance, but sometimes a girl just can't resist – especially when that colleague is one of the most beautiful men on earth.
search on: Angelina-'never-wanted-fall-Brad'
Sense of humour makes Brit men successful in the s
Women are drawn to British men because they can make them laugh, according to a new survey
search on: Sense-humour-makes-Brit-men-successful-s
First UK dating site for fat people signs up 1,000 people in its first 12 hours
The first online dating agency - - for those blessed with natural curves has just gone live. This website discriminates against size - you have to be larger than life to join.
search on: First-UK-dating-site-fat-people-signs-up-
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