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Search Results For "talk"
Want to find true love? Read on...

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Usher declares love for his wife
Media speculation is suggesting that Usher's marriage is on the rocks, but the R&B star has declared his love for his wife on a US talk show.
search on: Usher-declares-love-wife
Couples 'not spending enough' time together
As the hustle and bustle of modern life takes its toll, Britons are spending less and less time with their spouses and partners, according to new research.
search on: Couples-not-spending-enough-together
Women fall for self-deprecating charms
Making fun of yourself is one of the best ways of getting a woman to fall for you, according to new scientific research.
search on: Women-fall-self-deprecating-charms
Women's not so sweet dreams
Women's nightmares are far scarier than men's and leave a longer lasting impression, according to a new study.
search on: Women-not-so-sweet-dreams
Men remember first car, not first kiss
Men are more likely to remember the registration number of their beloved first car than their first moment of passion, according to new research.
search on: Men-remember-car--kiss
Loved-up couples should jet off to sunnier climes
Couples should take romantic trips away together to get away from the hustle, bustle and gloom of daily life.
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Couples' road rage revealed
Loved-up couples are often not so loved-up after they have finished a long distance car journey, according to a new report.
search on: Couples'-road-rage-revealed
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