Search Results For "till"
People 'finding love later' |
Think you've been left on the shelf? Well, fear not. You are normal. A new study has revealed that more people are meeting The One later in life. |
Technology 'drives couples apart' |
Modern technology could be driving some couples apart, according to new research. |
Boys on top when it comes to finances? |
Men in the UK still think they are in control of their household's finances, but their women seem to disagree, according to new research. |
What men want |
The perfect woman is a blonde, blue-eyed lass who earns less than £25,000 a year, men have revealed in a new survey. |
Beckhams go on double date |
Celebrity super couple David and Victoria Beckham went on a double date on Good Friday with another top celebrity couple. |
Couple find love in a lift |
In proof that you can find love anywhere, a couple who met in a lift in Cardiff are now planning their wedding. |
Men 'forking out more' for dates |
It may be the 21st century but traditionalist views about the dating game still remain, according to a new survey. |
UK marriage in decline |
Marriage rates in England and Wales have plummeted to an all-time low, new research out today reveals. |
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