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Search Results For "want"
Star-crossword lovers
Aric Egmont wanted to propose to his girlfriend Jenny Bass in an original way that they could remember always and he opted to do it if the form of a crossword.
search on: Star-crossword-lovers
Man rises to challenge to win love's hand
When Jonathan Horwath decided that he wanted to marry girlfriend Katherine Corner, her family set him a challenge - to run the Great North Run.
search on: Man-rises-challenge-win-love-hand
Message in a bottle to couple with same anniversar
After marrying on a beach on August 18th, Melody Kloska and Matt Behrs put their wedding vows in a bottle and sent it out into Lake Michigan.
search on: Message-a-bottle-couple-with-same-anniversar
Tattooed man dumped
A man with a giant tattoo of his wife's face on his back has been abandoned for a younger man.
search on: Tattooed-dumped
Romantic priorities of the Baby Boomers
The Baby Boomer generation have grown up during a time of change and this has had an impact on what is important to them in relationships, as a new survey by Facts International has revealed.
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What women want
Men have been trying to figure out what it is that women want for centuries, but the release of a new book could help them find the answers.
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Kate Hudson wants Owen Wilson back?
Kate Hudson is on a mission to win back Owen Wilson, according to reports.
search on: Kate-Hudson-Owen-Wilson-back?
What makes women happy
Men have always had difficulty understanding what women want, but a new survey may help them to deliver the love in their life what it is they most desire, both in the long and short term.
search on: What-makes-women-happy
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