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Search Results For "Actor"
Women fall for self-deprecating charms
Making fun of yourself is one of the best ways of getting a woman to fall for you, according to new scientific research.
search on: Women-fall-self-deprecating-charms
Brits 'the great romantics'
Contrary to popular belief, Britain is a nation full of romantics, topping the chart in the European love league.
search on: Brits-'the-great-romantics'
Honeymoons in the UK rising in popularity
Sometimes brides and grooms can get carried away with the romance of weddings and jetting off to foreign climes for their honeymoons.
search on: Honeymoons-UK-rising-popularity
Northern Irish accents 'sexiest' in the UK
Northern Irish accents are the most attractive in the UK, according to a new poll.
search on: Northern-Irish-accents-exiest'-UK
Humour and good conservation key to holiday romanc
The vast majority of Britons believe going on holiday is a great chance to improve romance or practice your dating flair, according to a new report.
search on: Humour-conservation-key-holiday-romanc
Women with more testosterone fancy macho men
Women with high testosterone levels are more attracted to macho men, according to new research.
search on: Women-testosterone-fancy-macho-men
Do opposites really attract?
While opposites may attract initially, this spark fizzles out and more is needed to maintain a good relationship, according to a new survey.
search on: Do-opposites-really-attract?
Is Reese Witherspoon: pregnant?
The latest excitement throughout Celebland is about a potential new celebrity MOM -This Means War star Reese Witherspoon.
search on: Reese-Witherspoon:-pregnant?
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