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Search Results For "Relationships"
Better to date than divorce
Couples may find themselves better off if they continue to date rather than getting married and possibly divorced.
search on: Better-divorce
Draper reveals secrets of healthy relationships
Derek Draper has revealed his wife - GMTV presenter Kate Garraway - gets irate when he inadvertently goes into 'therapist mode'.
search on: Draper-reveals-secrets-healthy-relationships
Gay relationships 'equally committed'
Accusations that gay and lesbian couples are less committed than their heterosexual peers are no more than slurs, according to new research.
search on: Gay-relationships-equally-committed
The secret of happiness
It's often seen as something elusive and indefinable, which starts to disappear if you try to pin down its source or nature.
search on: secret-happiness
Couples bound by dinnertime tradition
A new survey has revealed that 80 per cent of men and 89 per cent of women would do nothing saucier than hold hands in a restaurant.
search on: Couples-bound-dinnertime-tradition
Study aims to understand love
Popular psychologist Dr Raj Persaud is inviting seeking participants for an online experiment designed to unlock the secrets of love.
search on: Study-aims-understand-love
Cole's case highlights infidelity boom
Girls Aloud singer Cheryl Cole is just the latest victim of a depressingly common scenario.
search on: Coles-case-highlights-infidelity-boom
Find Everlasting Love - Now!

You are an independent person but, like all human beings, you have a need for intimacy, and an intimate relationship is maybe the best way for you to feel really fulfilled. However, it is all very

search on: Find-Everlasting-Love---Now!
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