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Search Results For "Women"
What your name says about your dating style
Your name can have an impact on how you are perceived by your date, a new survey ahs revealed.
search on: What-your-name-says-your-dating-style
Breaking out of relationship ruts
Relationships can fall into a rut. Deciding how to deal with a problem and add a fresh spark into your romance can be helped by identifying what type of rut you are in and acting accordingly.
search on: Breaking-out-relationship-ruts
Rules are there to be broken
To make a relationship work, there are some rules that couples should follow, whether its hiding your feelings to prevent an argument, playing it cool or doing everything you can to please your partner.
search on: Rules-there-broken
Seven year itch down to five
Married couples are most likely to divorce just before their fifth wedding anniversary, new research has shown.
search on: Seven-year-itch-down-five
Men making the moves
It seems that chivalry is not dead, at least in the world of online dating, a new survey has shown.
search on: Men-making-moves
British women making the effort
Women check their reflection every 30 minutes, a new survey has revealed.
search on: British-women-making-effort
What we really want in a partner
While men and women often assume that people will not find them attractive unless they live up to the stereotype of an ideal man or woman, a new survey has shown that this may not be the case.
search on: What-we-really-want-a-partner
Men get down on their Japan-knees for forgiveness
A group of men in Japan, recognising their wives and partners are reaching the ends of their tether have taken action to win them back.
search on: Men-get-down-their-Japan-knees-forgiveness
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