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Search Results For "again"
Loved-up couples should jet off to sunnier climes
Couples should take romantic trips away together to get away from the hustle, bustle and gloom of daily life.
search on: Loved-up-couples-should-jet-off-sunnier-climes
Weight fluctuates 'according to relationship happi
So you have found your Mr Right and are living happily together in marital bliss, but ladies beware, love could make you pile on the pounds.
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No more no-strings holiday romances
No-strings holiday flings are being ruined by social networking sites such as Facebook, according to new research.
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English men top in chat-up lines
British men are the best at chat-up lines and more likely to win the girl than their American or Aussie counterparts, according to new research.
search on: English-men-top-chat-up-lines
Widow finds love again in dance partner
A Welsh widow thought she would never find love again, but was pleasantly surprised when dance classes led her up the aisle.
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Sir Paul McCartney 'loves being in love'
When you have gone through a messy divorce, it can take a lot of courage to get back in the dating game.
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X Factor stars deny romance
Diana Vickers is not having a relationship with her X factor contestant Eoghan Quigg, the blonde singer has said.
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Britney Spears to wed again by 2013?
Comeback queen Britney Spears has predicted that she will tie the knot again in the next five years.
search on: Britney-Spears-wed-again-2013?
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