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Search Results For "loved"
Women's not so sweet dreams
Women's nightmares are far scarier than men's and leave a longer lasting impression, according to a new study.
search on: Women-not-so-sweet-dreams
Men remember first car, not first kiss
Men are more likely to remember the registration number of their beloved first car than their first moment of passion, according to new research.
search on: Men-remember-car--kiss
Men harnessing 'pulling power of puds'
The days of a man inviting you inside after a date for a 'coffee' are over, according to new research, which suggests that puddings are becoming the perfect way to woo women.
search on: Men-harnessing-'pulling-power-puds'
Northern Irish accents 'sexiest' in the UK
Northern Irish accents are the most attractive in the UK, according to a new poll.
search on: Northern-Irish-accents-exiest'-UK
Loved-up couples should jet off to sunnier climes
Couples should take romantic trips away together to get away from the hustle, bustle and gloom of daily life.
search on: Loved-up-couples-should-jet-off-sunnier-climes
Amorous Brits head to Mexico
If you're still thinking of where to spend a romantic summer break, then look no further than Mexico, according to a travel expert.
search on: Amorous-Brits-head-Mexico
The £1k cost of being a wedding guest
People in the UK are so keen to see their loved-up loved-ones tie the knot with their Mr or Miss Right that many are spending more than £1,000 a pop.
search on: The-£1k-cost-being-wedding-guest
Most unromantic day of the year revealed
If you tried your luck in the dating game last Wednesday but failed miserably then never fear as new research reveals that August 27th is the least romantic day of the year.
search on: unromantic-day-year-revealed
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