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Search Results For "market"
Women 'unhappy' with gifts from their men
They say never look a gift horse in the mouth, but British women are finding they are just not satisfied with the presents their men give them.
search on: Women-unhappy-gifts-their-men
UK men
One in five men think that when it comes to spending money, they most resemble Ian Beale from Eastenders.
search on: UK-men-
Christina Aguilera so happy with her hubby
Top US singer Christina Aguilera is one of the most attractive women in the world, and could arguably have any man she wanted.
search on: Christina-Aguilera-happy-hubby
Love chemicals uncovered
A researcher who has been busy investigating the brain chemicals involved in emotional attachment may have uncovered the secret of love.
search on: Love-chemicals-uncovered
Scent of a Whopper
Finding love can be a daunting task but luckily those people at Burger King may have made it just that little bit easier with the launch of a barbeque-scented cologne.
search on: Scent-Whopper
Four top romantic places for dating in London
London is one of the most romantic cities in the world, if you know where to find the right places according to a recent article in the Belfast Telegraph.
search on: Four-top-romantic-places-dating-London
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