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Search Results For "pay"
Vorderman back with ex
Carol Vorderman is back with her ex-partner Des Kelly after ten months apart during which they decided they could not live without each other.
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Leonardo back on the market
Teen idol Leonardo DiCaprio has split from girlfriend Bar Rafaeli.
search on: Leonardo-back-market
Arranged marriages to air on British TV
The Asian tradition of arranged marriages will be gracing our screens, as Arrange Me a Marriage comes to BBC2 next month.
search on: Arranged-marriages-air-British-TV
Seven year itch down to five
Married couples are most likely to divorce just before their fifth wedding anniversary, new research has shown.
search on: Seven-year-itch-down-five
Handling conflict can make or break relationship
It is not anger but how we deal with conflict in relationships that determines whether the love is built to last, according to Dr John Gottman, a relationship expert.
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Planning your proposal
Getting the proposal right is something of a worry for men seeking the hand in marriage of their loved one. Here are some tips to ensure you create the perfect moment, from the Star Telegram.
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Top London proposal spots
London is one of the world's greatest cities and visitors and residents are never short of things to do.
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Ulrika Johnson pregnant by fourth father
TV presenter Ulrika Johnson has announced that she is pregnant with her fourth child. And this will be the fourth man the serial-dater has had a child with.
search on: Ulrika-Johnson-pregnant-by-fourth-father
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