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Search Results For "whether"
Cheryl bans Ashley from the bedroom
Girls Aloud beauty Cheryl Cole is making her husband get to know her again as the couple rebuild their relationship following the footballer's cheating revelations.
search on: Cheryl-bans-Ashley-bedroom
Boys on top when it comes to finances?
Men in the UK still think they are in control of their household's finances, but their women seem to disagree, according to new research.
search on: Boys-top-when-comes-finances?
Jordan 'still fancies' hubby
She may be no stranger to plastic surgery, but Katie Price aka Jordan is not shallow.
search on: Jordan-till-fancies'-hubby
Women 'fantasise about having affairs'
One in three women fantasise about being with someone other than their partner, according to a new survey.
search on: Women-fantasise-having-affairs
Teri dating TV hunk?
Teri Hatcher could be dating Sex and the City star Jason Lewis, after reports circulated that the couple were spotted together acting like "teenagers in love".
search on: Teri-dating-TV-hunk?
Internet relationships 'becoming more popular'
In the age of modern technology, being suspicious of your spouse has taken on a whole new level.
search on: Internet-relationships-'becoming-more-popular'
It's all in the face
Men are more attracted to women who want a fling, while the girls prefer men who are looking for a long-term commitment, according to new scientific research.
search on: It-face
Men choose football over love
When it comes to romance or football, a whopping majority of football fans would choose their beloved sport, according to a survey.
search on: Men-choose-football-love
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