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Search Results For "Mr"
'Amazed' is top tune for first wedding dances
Lonestar's soppy ballad Amazed has been crowned the king of wedding songs, according to experts.
search on: 'Amazed'-top-tune-first-wedding-dances
Make-up for men
Britain could see a huge boost in the number of men wearing make-up as a leading retail begins to stock it's 'guy-liner' and 'manscara'.
search on: Make-up-men
Canadian wife-seeker finds love
A Canadian man who launched a quest to find a wife on the internet has found true love, according to media reports.
search on: Canadian-wife-seeker-finds-love
Rollercoaster ride of love
If the object of your affections does not seem to be taking an interest in you, then try taking them on a rollercoaster to give love a helping hand.
search on: Rollercoaster-ride-love
Playing hard to get will bag Mr Right
If you are trying to bag your Mr Right then make sure you do not make the dating game too easy for him, experts say.
search on: Playing-hard-get-will-bag-Mr-Right
Women suffering from jealousy
An increasing number of women are suffering from the effects of jealousy, the Metro reports.
search on: Women-suffering-jealousy
Health of singletons 'improving'
Singletons are becoming just as healthy as their married counterparts, according to new research.
search on: Health-singletons-'improving'
The £1k cost of being a wedding guest
People in the UK are so keen to see their loved-up loved-ones tie the knot with their Mr or Miss Right that many are spending more than £1,000 a pop.
search on: The-£1k-cost-being-wedding-guest
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