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Search Results For "men"
Protective Hugh gives Scarlett his blessing
Sometimes older brothers can be protective towards their little sisters who are making their foray into the dating world.
search on: Protective-Hugh-Scarlett-blessing
Separate bank accounts - the key to relationship l
Financial issues are one of the biggest causes of arguments amongst couples, it has been revealed.
search on: Separate-bank-accounts---key-relationship-l
Marc and Cerys 'rekindle their jungle romance'
I'm a Celebrity stars Marc Bannerman and Cerys Matthews have apparently rekindled their jungle romance.
search on: Marc-Cerys-rekindle-their-jungle-romance
Brits 'don't have time for relationships'
Britons are under so much pressure at work that they do not have enough time to indulge in the finer pleasures in life, it has been revealed.
search on: Brits-dont-relationships
Women look for The One at 25
Reports of the death of marriage have been greatly exaggerated, according to new research.
search on: Women-look-One-at-25
Internet taking up couples' together time
Is your love life lacking? If so then there is a chance all your problems could be solved simply by switching off the computer.
search on: Internet-taking-up-couples'-together-time
Men choosing cars over women
Men in the UK are spending more time pampering their cars than the women in their lives.
search on: Men-choosing-cars-over-women
Cuff luck
In an effort to put the spark back into their relationship, a couple ended up getting the emergency services involved.
search on: Cuff-luck
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