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Search Results For "study"
Flurry of proposals this leap year
Eight per cent of all singles are planning to pop the question this year, according to new research.
search on: Flurry-proposals-this-leap-year
Study challenges stereotype of insatiable male
A new book is challenging conventional wisdom by claiming there are times when a man does not want sex.
search on: Study-challenges-stereotype-insatiable-male
Loved up seniors share secrets of staying power
A global study of couples who have been together for fifty or more years unlocks the secrets of long-term marital bliss.
search on: Loved-seniors-share-secrets-staying-power
The art of arguing
According to a study from the University of Michigan published last week, arguing with your partner can lead to a longer life.
search on: art-arguing
Survey reveals true cost of love
The average Brit spends over £70 on Valentine's Day, a new study has revealed.
search on: Survey-reveals-true-cost-love
UK govt: Send roses to loved ones from Kenya
The UK government is reminding shoppers for this year's Valentine's Day to buy roses from a more environmentally-friendly source such as Kenya, to both cut down on emissions and to help the ...
search on: UK-govt:-Send-roses-loved-ones-from-Kenya
Men propose to girlfriends 'at three-year mark'
Women can expect their boyfriends to pop the question around the time their relationship reaches the three-year mark, but an expert has said the guys should surprise the woman in their life by proposi...
search on: Men-propose-girlfriends-'at-three-year-mark'
Fast-paced life a danger to Brits
The fast-paced nature of British modern life could eventually lead to a meltdown, according to new research.
search on: Fast-paced-life-a-danger-Brits
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