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Search Results For "when"
What women want
Men have been trying to figure out what it is that women want for centuries, but the release of a new book could help them find the answers.
search on: What-women
Is the end in sight?
A new survey has revealed some tell-tale signs which indicate whether a relationship is on the rocks.
search on: end-sight?
Bride suing florist for £200,000
Weddings can be a stressful time, so it's important not to sweat the small stuff.
search on: Bride-suing-florist-£200-000
Love and addiction
Love has a profound effect on the brain and can lead people to have difficulty thinking rationally.
search on: Love-addiction
Kate Hudson wants Owen Wilson back?
Kate Hudson is on a mission to win back Owen Wilson, according to reports.
search on: Kate-Hudson-Owen-Wilson-back?
Rules of engagement
Romance isn't dead, it seems.
search on: Rules-engagement
The effect of marriage on sex drive
Getting married reduces a man's testosterone levels, a new study has found.
search on: The-effect-marriage-sex-drive
Heartbreak more acute for some ethnic backgrounds
Americans of European origin are less likely to cope with negative events such as heartbreak compared to their counterparts from Asian backgrounds.
search on: Heartbreak-more-acute-some-ethnic-backgrounds
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