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British and Irish couples are least romantic about Valentines Day
Irish couples spend just £134 and UK couples only £145 compared with the Spanish figure of £218
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Lessons learned from 100 Blind Dates
Ursula Hirschkorn and editor, writing for the dating column for the Daily Mail’s Weekend Magazine played Cupid for a year, by setting up more than 100 people on blind dates. “They ranged in age from t...
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Divorced men are suddenly such a catch!
48,000 single British women are actively seeking men with a failed marriage behind them.
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10 Dos and Donts Of Grown Up Dating
Every week for a year, Ursula Hirschkorn writing the dating column for the Daily Mail’s Weekend magazine, learnt the deepest secrets of Britain’s lonely hearts.
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Is your boyfriend good Marriage Material?
There is no perfect way to find out if you are with your Mr Perfect. In fact If you are looking for a Mister who is Perfect, you might as well stop looking and recognize that perfection simply doesn’t...
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Ireland's Mini Baby Boom
Ireland is experiencing a mini baby-boom since the economic collapse. The CSO has released data showing that there was more offspring born last year when compared with ten years ago. Interestingly, fo...
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The Day Women Can Ask Men To Marry Them – Leap Year, February 29th
Its an old Irish tradition that a woman can ask a man to marry her on that one day – February 29th.
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Ever wondered why your guy walked out on you?
New Australian website - offers help to people distressed and unhappy in love.
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