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Search Results For "Ireland"
Census shows Irish marriage splits rising
The 2011 Census for Ireland revealed an increase in both marriages and divorces . More than 200,000 people divorced and 116,194 separated, based on a total population which rose to 4.58 million.
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Young Irish women earning more than their partners
The Economic and Social Research Institute in collaboration with University College Dublin has revealed that women in young couples in Ireland are increasingly likely to earn more money and have a bet...
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Germans 'selfish in bed'
Germans have been voted the world's worst lovers in a new poll.
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Ireland's Mini Baby Boom
Ireland is experiencing a mini baby-boom since the economic collapse. The CSO has released data showing that there was more offspring born last year when compared with ten years ago. Interestingly, fo...
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Are Irish men really the most ugly in Europe?
The crazed notion that Irish men are the continent’s least beautiful people has come from online dating site
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The Day Women Can Ask Men To Marry Them – Leap Year, February 29th
Its an old Irish tradition that a woman can ask a man to marry her on that one day – February 29th.
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Ireland's Mini Baby Boom
Ireland is experiencing a mini baby-boom since the economic collapse. The CSO has released data showing that there was more offspring born last year when compared with ten years ago. Interestingly, fo...
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42,000 Irish are having affairs on internet
42,000 Irish are having affairs on the internet
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