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... Black women dating white men Black women dating white men

28 March 2012

An interesting article over at highlights this increasing phenomenon and has attracted some strong debate as to why this is with over six thousand comments posted.

The general consensus is that while black men have been happy to date white women for some time already - up till now there have been fewer black women with white men.

The article itself follows the line that it is white guys that are increasingly looking to date black women. However, many of the online comments (mainly from black women on the site) take the view that it is black women that have taken the initiative and are the ones who have changed the status quo by no longer restricting themselves to black men. No-one seems to mention any races other than black and white in the debate.

The author points out that "White males marry at high rates, most of them don’t feel they are running short of white women." So it would appear to be a matter of preference rather than necessity. This begs the question "Why do white guys love black women?"

One person opined “We love a black woman’s confidence, her tenacity and her undeniable achievements in the face of great adversity"

However, it was also noted that an obvious attraction was "All those curves"

Some of the black women commented that by going for a white guy they felt less trapped into conforming to a traditional female stereotype, but could more "be who they wanted to be"

Others pointed out that it was not so much that they liked white men per se but they liked the idea that their (white) boyfriend was specifically attracted to them because they were black - as it made them feel special.