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... Bottle blondes 'more confident' Bottle blondes 'more confident'

24 September 2008

Blondes really are more confident in the dating game and life in general and really do have more fun, new research reveals.

And it seems you do not have to be a natural blonde to benefit from the effects, with the scientific research revealing that bleaching hair can significantly improve a woman's self-image.

Bottle blondes were found to judge themselves to be better looking and were revealed to be more adventurous in the bedroom and least shy about asking someone out on a date.

But this self-confidence is not just limited to the dating game as blondes were found more likely to go for what they want in the workplace.

These light-haired women are more courageous and will ask their boss for a pay rise if they think they deserve one.

They are also more likely to complain if they feel they have not been treated fairly, according to the study carried out at Nottingham Trent University.

Dr Mark Sergeant, who carried out the research, said: "Colouring your hair may seem like an art to most people, but there is actually a lot of science behind it. The changes we noted in the study in participants' behaviour and psychology were significant.

"Not only were their confidence and mood levels elevated but also their inhibitions seemed to be mitigated with many reporting feeling more attractive and sexually exciting."

Dr Sergeant, who himself coloured his hair frequently when he was young, said the young women who took part were across the board more confident when they had coloured their hair.

He said: "They were prepared to ask for things they wouldn't normally be confident enough to ask for, such as pay rises or time off."

Many young women who coloured their hair did so just before a big event where they wanted to turn heads or impress.

Meanwhile, older women tended to colour their hair to make themselves look younger and cover up any grey hairs, accordi