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... Changing shape of the British figure Changing shape of the British figure

13 October 2008

A size 12 is the sexiest dress size on a woman, according to a poll of British men.

This was the size voted most attractive to male respondents to a leading weight management supplement company.

But the research also showed that body shapes on both men and women are changing significantly.

While women class themselves in body shape categories of pear, hourglass and apple, new research reveals that the aubergine is now the most common male body shape.

The potato, carrot and string bean have also been added to the list of everyday objects to categorise men's figures.

According to the survey of 5,000 Brits by Lipobind, more than one in three men described themselves as aubergine-shaped – where the belly is bigger than both the hips and shoulders.

A further 28 per cent of men described themselves as potato-shaped – stocky and round and shaped like Johnny Vegas.

Around 26 per cent of men think they are shaped like Russell Brand and resemble a string bean, while 13 per cent described themselves as athletically carrot-shaped like David Beckham.

Men believe that 'man boobs' – a common ailment of the British male – are their most unattractive body feature, while 31 per cent of women hate their muffin tops.

When classifying their own body shapes, 39 per cent of women feel they have the classic sexy hourglass figure, with 32 per cent thinking they are pear-shaped with hips and bums the widest part of their body.

A further 16 per cent of women think they are shaped like an apple with their middle area and upper body larger than their hips, while 13 per cent thought they were straight up and down banana-shaped.

Commenting on the study a spokesperson for Lipobind said: "Traditionally, body shapes have been defined with phrases like hourglass, pear and apple. Because of the changing shape of the nation, we are now increasingly looking at things like aubergine