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... Horrors 'are great date movies' Horrors 'are great date movies'

10 July 2008

If you're wondering where to take a special girl on that all-important first date, then try a horror movie.

This is according to Hollywood hottie Will Smith who revealed that slasher movies and the like are great for cuddling up in the back row of the cinema.

When asked what his ideal day would be, he said it would start with playing golf with his wife Jada – who he has been married to for 11 years.

He would then head to the cinema with her and spend the night having a romantic time indoors.

But unlike romantic comedies and chick flicks which people might think are perfect date movies, he said horrors are the way to go.

In an interview on BBC Radio 1, he said: "It would have to be a horror film. Horror films make her all clingy."

The loved-up star who recently came to the UK to promote his new film Hancock said he knew his wife was The One very early on into their relationship.

He said: "I was very interested that first night, but I was in a bizarre mental space. Three months into it we were at her mom's house and it just hit me. I looked at her and just knew this was it."