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... It's all about the gaze It's all about the gaze

7 November 2007

You can boost how much people are attracted to you by the way you look at them, according to a new study.

By looking directly at the person you have your eye on and smiling at them, you will push up the chances of them being drawn to you

Averting your eyes, meanwhile, will make you less attractive.

Students from Stirling and Aberdeen Universities were shown pictures of faces which had been digitally altered, some with the eyes looking directly at the camera, while others showed them looking very slightly to one side.

The changes were not instantly observable they were so slight, but it was found that even this tiny difference could make people less attractive in the eye of the beholder.

Dr Claire Conway, an author of the paper, said: "People prefer faces that appear to 'like' them, showing that attraction is not simply about physical beauty."

This is one of the first studies to look at factors aside from physical appearance and attraction.ADNFCR-1016-ID-18347030-ADNFCR