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... Keeping your relationship balanced Keeping your relationship balanced

11 December 2007

The honeymoon period of a relationship usually means that all a couple wants to do is see one another. You just can't get enough of each other.

But this can have a negative impact on other parts of your life, especially if you find yourself cutting out things you did before your relationship.

Friends are often the first to suffer and this is damage that most will forgive, but perhaps not forget.

Hobbies can also take a knock when a new relationship comes into play.

But you should make sure you make an effort to have a balance in your life, not neglecting things that were important before this new love came on the scene.

And keep in mind that there is nothing less attractive than someone whose life revolves around their partner. People are attracted to those who have a lot going on in their lives and have something to discuss at the end of the day.

So make sure this is you and that you keep up with things that make you you.

Don't forget, if this relationship doesn’t work out, it will be your friends who will see you through the tough times.ADNFCR-1016-ID-18389736-ADNFCR