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... People choose partners of same weight People choose partners of same weight

8 August 2007

People often choose partners with a similar amount of body fat to themselves, a new study has revealed.

The Aberdeen study found that, of the 42 couples involved, body fat was found to be mirrored by partners.

Scientists have suggested that this could be leading to a worldwide obesity epidemic, as 'fat genes' are passed down by both parents when they are both overweight.

According to Professor John Speakman, the previous generation married earlier so chose partners before 'fatness' set in. Now that people are marrying later, they are able to select partners on the basis of body mass.

No scientific basis for the pattern has yet been identified, but professor Speakman speculated:

"Perhaps the social activities of the overweight and obese people coincide, making them more likely to meet partners who are also overweight and obese."

Further research has also indicated that women do not trust handsome men, assuming they are domineering and likely to be unfaithful.ADNFCR-1043-ID-18239323-ADNFCR

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