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... Rise in number of 'grey gapers' Rise in number of 'grey gapers'

3 July 2008

An increasing number of Britons are getting so hacked off with work that they are packing it in and going on holiday, according to new research.

A study by American Express Insurance Services revealed that there is a new generation of 'flashpackers' and 'grey gappers' who are taking gap years later in life.

People are getting so stressed out by work that they choose to take time off – either with a loved one or alone – in order to rejuvenate themselves and see the world.

Around 29 per cent of Britons intend to take a break from their job because they are sick of it.

The study also showed that 90 per cent of gap year travellers are now over the age of 30 – despite the stereotype of the grubby student traveller.

When they choose to take a break, older Britons are splashing their cash, spending around £10,000 rather than opting for a shoestring holiday.

Commenting on the survey, Chris Rolland, head of American Express Insurance Services, said: "For many working Brits it seems that there are never enough hours in the day. To escape from this, an increasing number of people are choosing to take a gap year at a later stage in life, having a financial advantage which enables them to travel in a little more luxury compared to their younger counterparts."