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... Shopping 'burns off calories' Shopping 'burns off calories'

8 August 2008

The men in their lives may not be happy to hear it, but women are being encouraged to indulge in more retail therapy because it helps them lose weight.

A study out this weeks shows that the average British woman burns off 12,000 calories a year by shopping.

However, men – famed for their hatred of shopping – burn off just 8,982 calories a month on shopping.

Women will often walk miles round a shopping centre or down a high street in search of the perfect shoe or the most flattering jeans.

The research showed that women walk just over two miles on each shopping trip on average.

While it may be bad for their bank balances, it is good for their physiques, according to the study, the Daily Mail reports.

Ian Cox, marketing manager of the Golden Square Shopping Centre in Warrington, which conducted the research, said: Not only is shopping fun but there is now proof that it really is good for you.

"Visiting the shops might not seem like a workout but this research proves that it can have the same effect as a trip to the gym but without the nightmare exercise routine.

"Most women love shopping and you can now get fit and shed the pounds while doing something you really enjoy."
