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... The body beautiful The body beautiful

9 February 2008

A new survey has revealed that gyms are increasingly being viewed as places to scout for potential partners.

Three-quarters of women and 84 per cent of men view working out as a good excuse to look out for talent, reports Online Recruitment.

And those working in the leisure industry are doing well from the phenomenon - over four in five have scooped one or more dates from their job, according to the news survey by

There was a big gender divide over the advantages of having an attractive trainer, with nine in ten women saying eye candy would provide excellent motivation, while just 48 per cent of men thought a pretty instructor would help their work-out.

The survey of 500 men and 500 women aged 16 to 40 found the fairer sex to be the more forward - two-thirds of female respondents said that they would return just to catch another glimpse of the gym instructor and 87 per cent of these would use new equipment to get closer to the object of their affections.