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... Women 'have more sexual partners' Women 'have more sexual partners'

28 July 2008

The average woman has had more sexual partners than the average man, according to a new survey which has turned gender stereotypes on their heads.

A poll by Yahoo! Shine found that 20 per cent of women had had more than 15 partners in the sack, compared to 17 per cent of men who admitted the same number.

The survey also showed that women are actually more satisfied than men in the bedroom.

Some 34 per cent of females said they would keep their lovers just as they are, while just 17 per cent of men said the same thing about their partners.

Similarly, 23 per cent of women are totally satisfied with their sex lives, compared to just 14 per cent of men.

The survey questioned women on their attitudes to dating and sexuality, money and pregnancy and revealed a number of interesting findings.

It found that 17 per cent of women have lied to their other half about their sexual experiences, showing that they are more honest than the men – 31 per cent of whom had lied.

Erin Flaherty, sex and relationships editor for Yahoo! Shine, said: "We all know the modern woman is bold, sexy and not afraid to go after what she wants.

"The Great Female survey confirms what we've known all along about Yahoo! Shine's audience in terms of articulating this. The surprises lie more in the similarities in the way men and women think."
