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Search Results For "beds"
Sex ban for Singapore jet's mile high passengers
The virgin flight of Singapore Airlines' new A380 was an exciting time for the passengers on board, but one form of excitement was ruled out.
search on: Sex-ban-Singapore-jet-mile-high-passengers
Leap year proposals
It is just a little over two months until the day on which it becomes women's turn to propose is upon us.
search on: Leap-year-proposals
Study challenges stereotype of insatiable male
A new book is challenging conventional wisdom by claiming there are times when a man does not want sex.
search on: Study-challenges-stereotype-insatiable-male
Technology 'drives couples apart'
Modern technology could be driving some couples apart, according to new research.
search on: Technology-drives-couples-apart
The death of the romantic breakfast in bed
British men would most like to wake up to breakfast in bed with Kelly Brook or Denise Van Outen, while the ladies would love to start the day with Johnny Depp or David Beckham, according to a new poll...
search on: death-romantic-breakfast-bed
Men 'lose brain power' by sharing beds
While it may feel nice to be snuggled up to someone at night, new research reveals that sharing a bed results in men losing brain power temporarily.
search on: Men-'lose-brain-power'-by-sharing-beds
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