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Search Results For "Simon"
Beckham tops US 'sexiest male' poll
David Beckham has been voted top totty in the US, beating off competition from some of the world's hottest men.
search on: Beckham-tops-US-sexiest-male-poll
Relationships 'boost men's self-esteem'
Being in a relationship is good for a young man's self-esteem, according to new research.
search on: Relationships-boost-mens-self-esteem
Widow finds love again in dance partner
A Welsh widow thought she would never find love again, but was pleasantly surprised when dance classes led her up the aisle.
search on: Widow-finds-love-again-dance-partner
Simon Cowell enjoys night out with ex?
X Factor svengali Simon Cowell recently became single after ending a six-year relationship and he has now been spotted out and about with one of his ex partners.
search on: Simon-Cowell-enjoys-night-out-with-ex?
Woody weds
It seems it is never too late for some couples to commit to each other as it has been confirmed that Kingpin actor Woody Harrelson has finally married his long term partner after 20 years together.
search on: Woody-weds
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