Search Results For "actually"
Hips not you, it's me |
A woman's swaying hips can actually serve to ward off the attentions of men, a new study has revealed. |
Curvy women 'have clever babies' |
Curvy women are likely to be more intelligent than their slimmer counterparts, new research has indicated. |
Are you sure it isn't you? |
A new self-help book claims it can help women overcome their personal obstacles to relationship contentment. |
Dinosaurs 'had sex as teens' |
Dinosaurs grew up fast and died young, scientists have discovered. |
Women 'obsessed with dieting' |
British women are obsessed with how much they weigh, according to new research. |
Britons choosing 'money-saving' over online dating |
British people are spending far more time checking their bank balances online than meeting new people in cyberspace, according to a new report. |
UK workplaces 'full of romance' |
Love is more rife in British workplaces than it is in many offices across Europe, according to a new survey. |
UK men shun women for gadgets |
British football widows may have thought that they would get to spend more time with the men in their lives because of the lack of any UK teams in the European Championships. |
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