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Search Results For "drink"
Women dwell on distress, while men turn to drink
When women are upset, they dwell on their negative emotions while men find some way of distracting from it, according to new research.
search on: Women-dwell-distress--while-men-turn-drink
Britons 'tell porkies'
Britons will tell all sorts of lies in an effort to make themselves look better in other people's eyes, according to a new survey.
search on: Britons-tell-porkies
Brits Europe's
A new survey has revealed the embarrassing result that British holidaymakers are perceived to have the worst beach bodies in Europe.
search on: Brits-Europes-
Brits not afraid of office relationships
Two-fifths of British office works have intimate relationships with their colleagues, new research claims.
search on: Brits-afraid-office-relationships
Alcohol warning for loved-up couples
Married couples are being warned to ensure they are not drinking too much together, according to a new report.
search on: Alcohol-warning-loved-up-couples
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