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Search Results For "gave"
Men get down on their Japan-knees for forgiveness
A group of men in Japan, recognising their wives and partners are reaching the ends of their tether have taken action to win them back.
search on: Men-get-down-their-Japan-knees-forgiveness
Getting to know you?
First impressions count and so do first questions.
search on: Getting-know-you?
Study challenges stereotype of insatiable male
A new book is challenging conventional wisdom by claiming there are times when a man does not want sex.
search on: Study-challenges-stereotype-insatiable-male
Coleen's quiet birthday date
Coleen McLoughlin and fiancé Wayne Rooney kept it simple as they celebrated the fashion icon's birthday.
search on: Coleens-quiet-birthday
Younger men fear 'measuring up' to older women
Younger men are intimidated by older women's sexual prowess, while the older men think it's great.
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Younger men fear "measuring up" to older women
Younger men are intimidated by older women's sexual prowess, while the older men think it's great.
search on: Younger-men-fear-"measuring-up"-older-women
Coleen's quiet birthday date
Coleen McLoughlin and fiance Wayne Rooney kept it simple as they celebrated the fashion icon's birthday.
search on: Coleens-quiet-birthday
Silver Surfers finding love online
You might think that online dating is a pastime of the young, hip and trendy, but new research reveals that an increasing number of pensioners are finding love on the internet.
search on: Silver-Surfers-finding-love-online
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